The first teachers in a life of a child who plays a pivotal role in shaping their adult lives is their parents. Providing quality time with our children is extremely necessary for their development and happiness. As I understand, time spent with your children doesn’t need to be elaborate or long, but it must be “quality”. Some children will act out by letting you know in their subtle way that they are missing the attention that they need, while some will withdraw.

Quality time is when you give your child and do things with them that they like to do, with undivided attention. Every parent must spend quality time regularly with their children. By doing that, you are showing your child love and care, which will help keep them mentally and emotionally strong.

Even if you feel like you’re short on time and juggling multiple responsibilities at home and/or the office, you may be surprised at how many opportunities there are to incorporate quality time into your daily routines.

In today’s scenario, with the onset of the family-style where both the parents are working, there is both positive and negative impact on the parent-child relationship. Today’s Parents have enough disposable income to spend on the child but less quality time to get engage effectively with their children.

In early times, the upbringing of a child was no difficult feat due to the joint family system as there were multiple caregivers for a child apart from the mother. But due to the nuclear family system, working parents are left with almost no family members to leave their child with. This parenting style has come up with its own positive as well as bit downfalls.

The benefits of spending times with your children :

Spending quality time with children is necessary. Why? Let’s understand with the below points:

  • Builds Kid’s Self-Esteem :
    Children who get quality time from their parents are believed to build a more positive sense of self-worth, making them feel more valuable and more confident and positive about themselves
  • Strengthens family bond :
    Children who get more time from their parents share a stronger emotional bond. This also enhances their ability to get adapted well to the situations as a family
  • Developing positive behaviour :
    Children who mostly eat with their families have better dietary intake than those who don’t eat as often with family members. Children who spend more quality time with their parents have fewer chances to adapt to risky behaviour.
  • Encourages Communication:
    Parents spending time with their children can enrich an environment for open communication. Your children need to have good communication as it will make them feel pleasant with talking about anything. Even simple, ask your child how their day was can make a big difference.
  • Effects child’s academic performance positively :
    When you are helping your child with schoolwork or reading books together, especially in their early years, it will provide the domain that values academics. Also, it will be kind of great opportunity for spending quality time with your child.

Keep mealtime conversations positive – no arguing or lecture:

  • The focus should be put on enjoying each other’s company, rather on what or how much child is eating.
  • During conversations about healthy eating, never focus on weight or dieting
  • Turn on some music or have some chill out conversation.
  • Encourage children to talk about their day. This helps to enhance more communication between family members.

How to spend quality time with your kids :

  • Schedule Time:
    Set aside time for activities or playtime with your child. Both parents can take turns with their children if one of them isn’t available then. Make a point that you give undivided attention to your child and follow through with what they want.
  • Make the time special :,br>
    This is the time when you need to set aside all other things and put your child at the centre of all your attention. These are small but consistent hours you spent with your child that will create great memories for both of you. Just being around in the room with your child won’t be enough.
  • Make them feel they are unique:
    Make it clear to your child that you are setting aside a particular time for them because they are unique to you.
  • Let your child decide on the activity :
    Let your child decide on a selection of activities to make them happier and satisfied, whether that be a ride on the ride of toys, a pillow fight, etc.
  • Keep distractions away :
    When you are spending time
    with your child, be sure that you turn off all technology. Keeping your mobile device away, avoid doing any other chores work simultaneously at the same time.

Bottom Line:

Always keep in mind, the quality time you spend with your child doesn’t have to be complicated. You need to make it memorable and full of fun time.
Next time if you have some time out of your busy schedule, just keep your smartphone aside. Get down on the floor and play with your child. All your day stress will get over when you spend a small amount of quality time with your child.


Author: Mohit Chaurasia

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